About Me

Hello, I am a web developer, musician and author, with most of my working week spent on web development.

I have been been a professional web designer and frontend developer for over 15 years. My skill set includes HTML, CSS, SASS, LESS using BEM methodologies and design frameworks including Bootstrap, Bulma, CSS Modules and Styled Components.

My Javascript development skills include working in VueJS, React and jQuery and I am proficient using Javascript development tools including Webpack, Gulp, Grunt and working in a Git based environment.

I currently have 2 music projects on the go:

Sugardrum this is an acoustic based setup that I perform live on vocals and acoustic guitar. More info at the Sugardrum website.

Jigsaw Goldrush this is for my more electronic and keyboard based music. I currently have one album of piano music that has been used for meditation and hypno-birthing. More info at the Jigsaw Goldrush website.

More details about my debut book of short stories can be found on the stories page.